How to Pair Food and Drinks for Your Small Event

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  • Organising a small event such as a dinner party, bridal shower or birthday party? Some people just arrange the food and drinks and do not pay much attention to how they are arranged. However, this can make the difference between an average event and a spectacular one. Catering services in Mumbai by reputed companies like Cater Inc are what make the experience impressive for the guests.

    Choose a Theme

    Do not just pick food and drinks at random; let a theme be your guide when choosing what to eat and what to drink. Concepts like Italian, Southern barbecue or brunch innately result in specific flavours. If hiring a small event catering service, inform them of the theme or type of meal you are interested in so that the caterers can make suggestions accordingly.

    Mind the Intensity

    While choosing food and beverages, it is important to think about the concept of intensity levels. If one of the components of the dish is rather intense or pungent, select a drink that will complement it. For instance, complement spicy Indian curry with a milk-based beverage such as lassi to cool the palate. Especially when it comes to rich and pungent dishes like braised short ribs or mac and cheese, lighter drinks are useful so as not to overwhelm the palate.


    Sweet with Sweet

    Combining sweet foods with sweet beverages seems counterintuitive, but it really enhances flavours in both the food and the beverage. Sweet-glazed chicken wings should be eaten together with a fruity cocktail or moscato. Serve chocolate cake with coffee liqueur. The main thing here is to ensure that neither the food nor the drink is sweeter than the other.

    Beyond Wine

    Beer, spirits, juices, coffee and any other beverages can also be very good pairings with food. Just don’t stick to wine alone. For instance, bourbon complements the sweet and spicy flavours of barbecue dishes. Gin cocktails enhance the herbal characteristics of foods. Given the variety of beverages available, there is a rather high possibility that you can be innovative.

    Taste as You Go

    The only way to create perfect pairs is by just tasting, as you normally do when drinking wine or beer. When choosing food items to serve, take small portions of the food you want and pair it with different beverages you have in mind seeing how they complement each other.

    To Conclude

    Match ‘n’ meet makes any occasion ordinary and turns it into a splendid one, especially when it comes to food and drinks. Be guided on what to choose based on the cuisine style. By following the above tips and using some recommendations from local catering services in Mumbai for great small event catering, your event should prove a success.


  • Chef Arvind Rawat
  • By Chef Arvind Rawat
  • |        August 28, 2024 |         Catering Service